Reunited with Hailey

I so rarely see my friend, Hailey, which is sad, but seems to make our get togethers so sweet as well. Don’t get me wrong. I’d rather see her much more often, but I thoroughly enjoyed our evening together.

She brought her boys out for a supper of honey chicken on rice. That has proven to be a pretty kid-friendly meal so I’m usually pretty comfortable serving it. Weirdly, Dekker made an enormous fuss over it and endured a pretty sizeable time out before he was able to come back to the table and cooperate. After supper, we warmed up the coffees that Hailey had grabbed from Tims on her way over, baked up some cookies, and had dessert downstairs where it was cooler.

It was so nice to talk about life. I hadn’t seen her boys in probably a year, and she hadn’t ever had the pleasure of meeting Rowan. The kids all did great together, too. Her boys are SO much older!!! They have so much to say, which is insane! Last time I saw them, Grady was still talking in his own dialect, like all kids, so I couldn’t always grasp everything that he said, but now he’s in school and incredibly well spoken, and Zaden, who was still drinking from a bottle last time I saw him, is making jokes and identifying animals and being a general clown. They were so great to have around!

I feel happy and refreshed after having their family over for the evening, but as usual, I am old and very soon ready for bed. The bath is run and the rest of the cookies are calling my name!