Ridiculously Long Blog Post Title from Yesterday: Part 2

After a considerably crummier night than the last, we spent a second day with some of my siblings and my parents today. Dekker was in a better frame of mind than yesterday, and Laela sort of couldn’t be bothered, but Brady and I were fairly whooped. The story of parents lives, right? Short nights are new to us 🙂 Give us a break!

However, we still got ourselves up and ready and made it to Dalmeny, in better spirits, in time to be early for lunch. Brunch, actually. We had pancakes and bacon, sausage, hashbrowns, fruit, etc. It was completely delicious, as per usual. Dekker got a bit restless before we were all finished so we let him down from the table and his first order of business was to set George up to eat.


He’s so sweet! Pretty quick after we ate, Dekker went down for a nap. It wasn’t an ideal set up because his cousins were just getting up from their nap. But Dekker is not one to miss out on things, and he did not sleep. He didn’t fuss, or complain, but he didn’t sleep. Laela slept like crazy, of course. She’s way too relaxed.



So when we all decided to go for a walk and play at a nearby park, we woke Dekker and got him all bundled up. So began the FUNNEST part of the day. (Eat my shorts, “funnest” is a word if I say it is.)

SLIDES!!! Where we live, there was no park until late this year. We still haven’t taken Dekker to it, to be honest. So this was really his first time on a playground. I know, he’s two, and how could he have not played in a park yet?! Well, until very recently my son was scared of most things and didn’t like being outside. We could have pushed him I suppose, but I was in crazy pain this summer with my pregnancy, and it just wasn’t a fight I chose to pick with him. And while some may disagree with this concept, it worked out. He was SO ready today 🙂 He went down one slide on Bradys lap once and that was all he needed.

IMG_2607He really just took off and had fun with it! Rarely did he actually end up at the bottom of the slide on his bum but who cares?! He was thrilled! Until he took a slide to the face. That bloody lip deterred him for a solid twenty seconds before he was squirming to run back to the structure and show that slide who’s boss.




We all had sooo much fun! It was a bit of a chilly, windy day, but we were so sheltered in this tiny little park, surrounded by trees. Laela didn’t complain from her car seat, and the boys sure weren’t complaining AT ALL! It was super fun, and will need to happen again very soon.

The rest of the day was a bit rocky for my little family anyway. Dekker was devastated to leave the park, and then had so much fun in the stroller on the walk back that he was crushed again to have that come to an end as well. Our boy was exhausted. So he went down for a second attempt at the nap, and this time it was successful. He slept through supper, which we expected. Its not unheard of for us to wake Dekker at 7pm, have a low key supper and a bit of playtime before bedtime. Not ideal, but not uncommon. But poor Dekker was convinced he was down for nighttime and cried solidly for about a half hour after Brady woke him. He would only eat raisin bread and drink water for supper. Apparently he missed the memo that its Thanksgiving and opted out of the turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, carrots, cranberries, etc. that we all enjoyed. I can’t brag up my moms turkey dinners enough. Never once has that blessed woman served a dry turkey. Not once. It is incredible every single time!

Deks was pretty “on and off” all evening but eventually picked up and played. He just opted to play alone and stick close to Brady and I. We are so thankful that my parents and siblings are so understanding. Dekker is two, and has solid two-year-old moments to begin with, but they also see that he only can use 50% of his vision and how frustrated that makes him. It is refreshing to not have to excuse his breakdowns to everyone, or try to explain why he gets overwhelmed. Wouldn’t you?

We stayed until maybe 8:45pm before heading home. Dekker and Laela were both nice and quiet on the drive home while we listened to Tyler Ward covers. Baby boy is now in bed, resting his little body, and while we were getting him to that point, I completely forgot that we had a second child. Sitting in a bucket. On the table.

IMG_2609Not complaining one bit. She makes my heart just melt.

So baby girl is laying on our bed in her U-pillow, wide awake. I hope she stays that way for a bit longer this evening. That way, maybe we’ll get a better night out of her. Laela bean, I sooo prefer your four hour stretches to your two hour stretches!

It really has been such a wonderful weekend. I am so very thankful for so many things. Right now, I am thankful for my quiet house filled with my favorite people in the whole world. I’m thankful for a hot bath, apricot brandy and Sprite, and Netflix. I am thankful for the amount of healing my body has received in just two short weeks. And I am thankful that God is in control of my life. What a huge responsibility. God is so good.