Risking Our Lives in Dreamland

Last night, Brady and I started season eleven of Greys Anatomy. I know, judge away. Its a great show. But for some reason, it sat really heavy with me, and it left me feeling uneasy and thinking too hard about things like the death of my children, or my whole family, or just generally awful things. I told Brady that, before bed, we needed to watch something more light hearted, otherwise I wouldn’t sleep. I know this. It has happened before.

So we cracked out some Brooklyn 99 reruns and I felt way better going into the night. But I proceeded to have this crazy dream that was really stressful in the moment but quite comical in the morning.

In my dream, I was out shopping (?) with Jerilee and Kim. I’m not sure if we were actually shopping, but we appeared to be in some kind of shopping centre, just with no recognizable stores. While we were shopping, a brawl seemed to break out. But it was all over the building. People were screaming like the place was being shot up. It wasn’t, I don’t think. The three of us were nervous, but not like running for our lives, necessarily. It was confusing. Anyway, we were on the hunt for a place to hide out until the drama was over, when we spotted a door sort of off to the side of everything. We opened it up, and it was just a teeny tiny dark room under the stairs. So we snuck in there and decided to wait out the crazy together.

Naturally, once we were all situated in there, we pulled out our phones. It was then that we discovered an ATM in our tiny little room. Without a moment of hesitation, one of us (I forget who) suggested that we pull out some money for coffee. There was a Starbucks one level up, in the lobby (?), and we could get through really quick with cash. So we took turns and pulled out some cash for Starbucks, all the while people running past the tiny window in the door, screaming. Chaos.

Once we all had our cash tucked away in our bags, we ventured back out and clipped along with the crowd trying to flee the building. Once we were on the correct floor, we detoured over to Starbucks and ordered our drinks. The dedicated baristas set to work making our drinks, but the hooligans that were causing all the ruckus came to our coffee shop and demanded to get in the back. We stood directly in their way, telling them NO WAY, not until our coffees were done. The dickheads physically pushed us to the ground, where we all began blubbering and crying and fled the mall with all of the other sane people.

All of that, and we didn’t even get our coffees.

But of course we had tried. I have no doubt in my mind that any one of us would have stopped for coffee in real life.

Sooo note to self: no more Greys before bed. Also, maybe no shopping with both Kim and Jerilee at the same time. It seems to attract trouble…