Safely Arrived And Survived!

We are home, safe and sound. SUCH a good trip but sooo good to be home! Everyone knows that feeling, I think. Its great to be away and visit family or friends, but arriving home provides a yummy, relieved feeling. I love home.

We left Simon and Grace’s place in the early afternoon. I had been such a good wife and decided against bringing a couple Bath and Body Works coupons I had on hand, since Brady always heckles me about the amount of their stuff we have under our bathroom sinks, but he convinced me that we had time and there was such a good deal on hand soaps, so we ducked into Edmonton on our way out. We came out of there with a really good haul! Seven hand soaps and a dish soap for $22. Pretty impressed. From there, I drove us home, stopping only in Lloydminster for supper. Because clearly, our little one was hungry!

Nom nom nom!
Nom nom nom!


After supper, we ducked into a Husky food store, becaaaaause…


Screamers!!!!! A slurpee machine should ALWAYS have a soft ice cream machine next to it! Now, for the record, I have heard that something like this is offered at DQ all year, but they look less appetizing to me from there. Plus I can’t justify spending that much money there knowing that Husky has them for so much cheaper! So I wait for the novelty of Spring. They’re baaaaack!


Definitely a treat 🙂 The rest of our ride was pretty uneventful. Dekker wept his face off for the last half hour or so. Something we try pretty hard with is letting him express himself, and cry when he’s sad, but only really allow him to milk it for so long. Once the screeching starts, its time to stop. It was sooo hard this time though, because the poor boy hadn’t napped AT ALL and was completely shot, wanted out of his seat sooo badly, and was bored of all his toys. I couldn’t blame him really. It was a hard thirty minutes. But we survived, and he was shaking with excitement as we walked into the house. He was so ready to play with his magnets!

A great thing about coming home earlier was that we got Dekker to bed pretty well on schedule. Literally, maybe a half hour late, just because we were so happy to see him happy, we let the playing carry on a bit longer. But now he’s in bed and its not too late for a bath!!! So that is running 🙂 Yay.

One last thing I want to talk about is the crazy amount of melting that took place this weekend. If you didn’t see on my Facebook page, my neighbour took a couple pictures of my property to show off the crazy amount of water. In. Sane. We were scared to see what it would look like in person, as they were from yesterday and apparently the water level hadn’t peeked yet! However, God is good and tons of the water is already soaked in and receding. I’m not suggesting that we are home free. There is a LOT of water around our property! But I’m thankful to God for our diligent sump pump that has completely saved our butts the last couple of years! 

Hmmm. Baby moves in my belly. Apparently baby is the size of a small cantaloupe this week. My app asked me if we are having a boy cantaloupe or a girl cantaloupe. I told it, we’ll know by the end of the week!!!!! Now to not tear by hair out over the next five days…