Saturday Before Christmas

After some AMAZING snuggles, yesterday evening…


I slept incredibly poorly, and was rocking a bit of a zombie thing this morning. But we had big plans, and got all ready to go anyway! Thankfully, we weren’t in some massive rush to get out the door. We figured that we could always finish up our errands tomorrow if we didn’t get there today, since we were planning on running all of these errands on Sunday anyway. Praise the Lord for a husband who works quick so he doesn’t have to work on Saturday after all! We took our time, got the kids fed and dressed, did a few dishes, and I actually got put on makeup before it was time to leave! We were on the road around 10:45.

Sorry to exclude Brady, he wasn’t in the van at the moment!

We hit up SO many stores, and did pretty much everything we needed to do! It was an incredibly productive day, and I am amazed at how NOT insane it was!!! I’d say the longest wait in line was probably at Michaels, but every till was open, and the wait time was probably around five minutes. Walmart was a minute or two, both Superstore and Costco, we didn’t even wait! We walked right up to a till! I commented to the cashier at Costco that I was expecting it to be way crazier, and she said it had been an amazingly quiet day. She said she figured everyone was probably scared of that, and no one was coming to risk it! Well I’m really glad we did, because we got tons done, and it was surprisingly relaxed. Traffic was another thing, and people in parking lots were just not even thinking, but we all survived. We got lots of good food for Rowan, a multivitamin for him, a few last minute Christmas things, and we accidentally splurged and bought a couple of seasons of a show we really really like! How can you not when they’re only $10???

Rowan and Laela shared the cart at both Superstore and Costco, and they were SO cuddly and adorable all day!!

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Meanwhile, Dekker either rode on the front of the cart, or he held my hand and wanted to help. And I’ve got to give him credit. He would take anything I picked up and carry it to the cart for me. If Rowan would start getting sad, he would say things like “Its going to be ok, little cutie,” or whatever encouraging thing he could come up with. At Costco, he was riding on the front of the cart again while the cashiers helper was packing it up, and while I didn’t observe what happened between the two of them, I know the guy thanked Dekker 🙂 Whether he tried to lift something, or just offered up a “good job,” I love that there was an interaction there. He is SO much less afraid. FINALLY.

We made it home, and the kids were super hungry, but definitely on the edge of overtired, and a nice sit-down meal wasn’t looking good. So instead, we whipped up a big pot of macaroni and cheese, and we all ate downstairs and watched some tv. When it was time to call it a day, Dekker insisted on tidying the few toys they had spread out by himself. Because he’s a rockstar. Then it was a bathroom break, teeth brushing, jammies, and bed. Everyone was SO ready.

Now for Brady and I to have a soak. We’ve earned it! Its been a wonderful and busy day. I know he’s tired, and I’m achy. And coffee and dessert is calling…..