She Changed Her Mind

Waverly has been sleeping through the night for the last little while, and its been SO nice for Brady and I! She is easy company in the night, only ever really waking up once, drinking her milk, smiling SO beautifully, and going right back down to bed. But it appears that the one break in sleep does have an effect. Sleeping through has reminded me what good quality sleep feels like, and I’m so thankful for it.

This morning, Wavy started fussing around 4:00. She wasn’t distressed, just talking. I tried to fall back to sleep, but thats usually completely impossible for me until she falls back to sleep, and sometimes its already too late at that point. Wavy chatted and fussed here and there for a while, until it turned into full blown crying. Now sometimes, that means she’s just about to fall asleep. So I gave her a minute. But it was clear that wasn’t the case this morning. Brady and I had a quick chat about what our next move was. Should we leave her to it for a bit? What if she lulled the other kids? Well it IS winter break, so if they’re going to be tired and grumpy, this is the right week for it. But there are a few extra factors to consider right now. She’s had some emotional days.

Factor number one is that Wavy is teething. There is one tooth thats been pushing for weeks, and some days I can tell its really bothering her.

Factor number two is related to her jammies. The sleeper we put her in at bedtime was SO small! Definitely the last time we could use it. I didn’t think it would cause her too much discomfort, but it was in my mind that it could be.

Factor number three is the biggest one. While she’s been sleeping through the night, she isn’t drinking more in the daytime to make up for the night. Alongside that, she’s eating more solids. All of that is to say she sometimes gets a tummy ache, and she’s not pooping quite as easily. (Not looking for tips on baby constipation! I’m on it, and its improving. Everyone is fine. Promise!) Pooping sometimes makes her cry, and she has a little diaper rash on top of it all, thanks to the more frequent little poops.

I didn’t want to leave her uncomfortable, so we got her up. She stopped crying right away. No extreme drool, so her teeth seemed fine. No poopy diaper, just wet like you’d expect. I changed her jammies, just in case. But she really seemed fine. Brady fed her and Wavy easily went back to bed shortly after 5:00. My alarm was set for 5:45 (shuttling my mama to the airport!) so Brady and I opted to watch some Netflix rather than attempting another half hour of sleep, and I think it was a good choice! That way, I was wide awake at the right time rather than waking up to the shock of an alarm.

After I dropped my mom off, I grabbed some coffee for Brady and I and headed back home. It was still nice and early, so I tucked back into bed and we snuggled in for another episode of our show while I warmed up.

Today will be filled with hanging drywall downstairs and very little else. I suppose I’ll also hang out with my emotional daughter who just started crying. Off I go to do the mom thing! Byeeeee!