Short Days and Deaf Kids

Two of my kids are deaf as a post, which is a fun after-sickness thing. I dropped Wavy off at preschool and warned her teacher. Solly already told his teacher, though I’m sure she’s noticed, based on his extra loud volume these days. Ah well. Lots is going around, I’m sure I’m not the only one going through this!

This morning, I got the kids out the door, and had a coffee with Cher. Then I got Wavy to school, and picked up one of the gift exchange gifts on the way home. I haven’t done too terribly much since I got back from preschool. I was gifted a dehydrator recently, so I got that humming away on my counter for the first time! So I did that, I guess! I responded to a doctor text, and did a little more communication. I’m expecting a courier or two to pop by today with some orders. Hopefully not while I go get Wavy innnnnnn right now.

So there is no shortage of things to do, but my body is reacting SO BIG to all the busyness that I have to account for downtime or I might explode. Not actually, but almost. So it may sound like not a lot, but I am working hard to do the things and also take care of myself. Its a frustrating balance but I hope to find it, or something close to it anyway.
