Short Lived Storm

It rained and thundered overnight and was just wet and cool in the morning. It was pretty great actually. The kids were in good shape upon waking up, and it seems some of my first trimester fatigue is passing. I’m still a bit nervous to stop taking my barfy med before bed, though. I might give myself a couple more weeks just in case. I hate being nauseous. Plus, the last time I missed one, I didn’t feel sick as much as I felt ridiculously sluggish in the morning. So I’ll keep on that until I’m feeling really rested, and then see what happens.

All of that aside, I want to talk about something I may or may not talk about a lot over the coming months. I have a friend who just had her second baby, a girl, a couple of weeks ago. She used to read everyday, so sorry if you’re reading this and its weird!!! *fast wave in your general direction* Anyway, she delivered her baby when she was just shy of 27 weeks pregnant. While The little sweetie is thriving and doing surprisingly well, my heart breaks for her daily. I think of them daily. I have a sticky note up on my bathroom mirror with their family’s names on it, so I think to pray for them every time I’m in there. And I’m pregnant, so thats a lot. I know I’m just twelve weeks in, but I think about labor a lot. I try not to, because I know worrying helps no one. And I know that, as crazy as Laela’s birth was, it was uncomplicated and resulted in a very healthy baby and a physically healthy mom. Still working on the rest of me though 😉 Anyway, while the enormous size of my kids has sort of been a novelty, almost like bragging rights, I am scared that they will get bigger. I don’t know how much bigger I can deliver! If you’ve ever met me, I’m not an especially large person. I know the human body can do wonderful and crazy things, one of which was allowing my narrow frame to deliver a 10 lbs 10 oz baby. I know I can do it again. But it something I think of, and if I’m totally honest, I fear it a little.

But then my girlfriend goes and delivers this tiny little baby, all 2 lbs 4 oz of her. And it just breaks my heart to think of that! I ave always felt so safe once my babies are born. They aren’t really that fragile, if they get sick, I don’t have to worry too much, stuff like that. Honestly, they both had decent neck control the day they were born. I’m so sad that my friend and her family can’t have the same level of comfort that I have. Though I am confident that God will use that incredible NICU team to keep their baby safe and strong, I am incredibly thankful for my massive, sturdy, endurababies. What a gift those huge kids are to me! 

This is just me trying to find positives and motivators, and things to be thankful for. And if I don’t get my massive, full term baby, and instead am given a tiny micro preemie fighting to keep their lungs open with each breath, I know I have a solid girlfriend who can relate to me and help me and comfort me. 

I am so, sooo taken care of. God really surrounds you with the right people at the right times. I only wish I could be a help to her. Or anyone who needs help. I hope everyone knows they can always ask me, whether they know me well (or at all) or not. Because I will sure try.