Short Night, Better Night

Ro continues to improve every single day. While he’s been a royal pain to feed today (oh. my. gosh.) he slept so well at night! He woke up for milk at 1:15am, and not again until 7:00!! He still eats much better at night, but we’ll take what we can get.

Since I got home so late last night, and I was kind of wired, Brady and I stayed up together for a while so I had a chance of getting sleepy. I admit, I’m somewhat dependant on him for this. We always go to bed together. Always. So on nights like last night, of course I said we needed to go to bed sooner than I was ready, so that he could get some sleep before his inevitably early morning, but I lay awake until Ro woke up at 1:15. I was able to sleep after that, thankfully, and sleeping until 7:00 was beautiful! Shorter than I’m used to though. Tonight will be a much, much earlier night!! My mom always says any hours you get before midnight count for twice as many, and I think she’s onto something.

I’ve got to get my soak in first, though. I missed it yesterday, though my entire evening out was completely worth it! But I think anyone who also has a soak every night can appreciate how much I miss it when its not there. Halloween candle and bath time!