Short Night Great Day

Last night, I had trouble falling asleep and didn’t get there until maybe 2:30. It was a short night when Rowan woke up for the day at 6:00am. However, I was so thrilled with our kids today. Dekker and Laela ate well and were excited to get on the road to see some family, and Rowan napped while we got organized and dressed and ready for the day. We were out the door at a decent time and made it to my parents place in time for brunch.

Not only have the kids not spent time at my parents place in weeks while they were on vacation, but my brother and sister in law are out visiting with their two boys, so it was a full house. Our kids don’t always rock that scene, but they warmed up faster than I expected. Thankfully, Dekker is getting a bit older, and he’s able to remember better. We saw this chunk of our family a month or so back, and he remembered well! The kids did awesome together, and ate a big brunch of hashbrown casserole, fruit, and these delicious ham and egg things my mom makes in muffin tins. Delicious. Rowan was a bit of a punk and barely drank anything all day, so that could make for an interesting night. Another interesting night… sigh…

As the afternoon came, Laela and Rowan were starting to drag. We had plans to all venture into the city for a quick shop, but I knew the kids weren’t going to have it. Since the bulk of our trip was based around fabric shopping, Brady generously offered that I could go and he would stay back with the kids. We decided I’d bring Dekker tho, since he was in good shape, and the other older boys were going. I piled my parents and Dekker into my van, and we drove in convoy.

We had a surprisingly successful shop and were back home before we knew it. Brady had taken a nap as well, and the house was very quiet. Not for long! We brought the action back, and soon, it was bursting at the seams with little ones. We had homemade pizza for supper, with caesar salad and chips. It was delicious, and my kids ate a ton. Then they all went to play outside with my mom and I did dishes. Their dishwasher broke just before they left on their trip, so thats a bummer, but we worked it out.

Going home was sad, and while our kids waved goodbye so nicely and were so friendly, they were incredibly upset upon arriving home. Bedtime was something of a bloodbath, but I’m so ready for sleep. I feel almost as tho I slept very very little last night…

*** Quick thing! Random idea of the day is that I really want Laela to have a maxi skirt! Through all of my Etsy searching, I see lots of adorable ones that are going to set me back too much! Like $25 at least!!! No good! Does anyone have an idea, or the desire to whip one up for me? I love the idea of a high waisted one. How cute would that be on her little baby girl self??? SO CUTE!