Sick Days Made Easier

If you’ve been following along for the last few days, you know we’re experiencing a solid wash of sickness over our home. Yesterday in particular was just a super rough day around here, with lots of illness, bad attitudes, tempers flaring, etc etc  etc. It. Was. Horrendous. I worked HARD to be patient and loving and slow to anger but my gosh, by the end of the day, my voice was completely gone, thanks to my progressing cold, my body shaking cough, and yes, yelling. What a day.

I was so tired last night, but was awake until 3:00am ish due to just general discomfort. You know that special part of a cold when your throat is so sore and swollen that, if you move your head even just a little, it pinches your neck/throat? Yup. That was me last night. Plus I couldn’t find a way to lay down with my runny nose, either. Thank the Lord for sheer exhaustion that finally did the trick!

Jerilee came over for the evening. She was SUCH welcomed company! We could blow past some of the days frustration, watch some trashy tv, and eat the Treatzza Pizza she brought for us!! 🤤 YUM! It was a lovely evening, and SO needed after such a ridiculous day! SO great to have a bestie that isn’t afraid of our colds or our grouchy attitudes!

After a rough night, my voice is 100% gone. Like GONE gone. I can’t speak above a whisper. Because of this, I gave the kids a very quiet pep talk asking them to cooperate through breakfast without a bunch of yelling and arguing. They did a pretty great job! However, my voice was not improving, so I bit the bullet and clicked a movie on for them. They were super excited to watch our fam favorite, Storks, again! And I’m thrilled to rest my voice and sip the magical lemon drink that Cher brought me. Lol! She Cher-ed with me 😉 Along with that, she brought me cozy socks, a snack, some meds, some movies, and just some general company. Once again, I’m SO grateful for the friendship, the company, the conversation, the distraction for the kids, etc.

I have the loveliest friends 💜

I actually have surprisingly high hopes for today. Not high expectations, but hope. The morning has been good, with the kids being so happy to watch a movie. I’m getting the blog up early! I hope naps go well, and that the kids actually rest. I hope my voice improves a little bit. I hope to have a soak once Brady gets home, which I hope won’t be super late. I hope for a somewhat normal day, but I’m not holding my breath for it, either. Just rolling with the punches. The throat punches, specifically.

Its amazing what effect a couple of good friends can have on a person! When someone doesn’t have to help chooses to, its a pretty humbling thing, and does something for my soul. I’m so grateful for my people. They are a good reminder of what kind of person I want to be.