Six Cookies

Brady and I coined a game during the Christmas season that has weaselled its way into the new year. Its called Six Cookies. The rules are as follows:

Players: 2
Ideally played after kids are in bed
Game pieces: six cookies

Each participant eats three cookies.
Everyone who eats three cookies wins.

Its a team sport.
Its uncomplicated.
It doesn’t encourage poor sportsmanship, as every participant can win.
Its delicious.

So. Brady and I play Six Cookies every night before bed. Last night, when Brady went to gather up the game pieces, he retrieved our last six cookies from Christmas!!! It felt like a bittersweet moment. Bitter because the game was over. And sweet because, well, cookies. So we played, and it was another great success. Everybody won! 🏆

And then something crazy happened! Two crazy things, even!! My mom, who had done some back and forth between our two houses (Ya! Did you remember we own both houses at the moment? I keep forgetting!) and let me know we still have Christmas baking in our big freezer! Heyooo! Six cookies can live on again! But even before we get that all together, we can play Six Cookies with the cookies that walked through the door today, courtesy of a friend who wanted to welcome us and celebrate our move! Those cookies even came with a supper, which was so lovely, and muffins for the next day! How incredible is that!

All of this said, Six Cookies will live on. And I’m so here for it. Its really a great game. You guys should give it a go.
