Sleepy At Home

Guys, it is SO nice to be home! I know we have the comfiest bed in the world here, but it has never felt softer, or so perfectly formed to me as it did last night. No, I haven’t been sleeping in uncomfortable beds or places, but my goodness, my bed is the best. Its an interesting perspective to want so badly to be living somewhere else, yet this really is a soft (see what I did there?) place for us to fall. I’m comfortable in our house, in this aspect anyway.

I needed to do laundry today, but then I reevaluated what “need” means, and decided what I truly needed was rest. So thats what we did. I got the kids up and told them we were going to play downstairs quietly and watch some tv, and they were both SO ready for that kind of day. They ate a ton of breakfast and then sat and played with their links for probably a solid hour before moving on to more active play. But really, they were just as tired as I was today.

After snacks and playing with Rowan a bit, Dekker pointed out that he figured it was nap time. That is almost unheard of, so I went with it. I said “Oh, you’re right! Let’s go upstairs for a rest,” and he said “Ok!” and headed on up! Laela followed him up, put her toy on the counter, and they ran off to their room. Dekker climbed up into his bed immediately after taking his glasses off, and Laela lay on the floor beside her crib. I got everyone situated, and Dekker kind of lovingly forced me out of the room. “Ok, ok, goodnight mom.”

I had a really nice phone call with my mom once they were down. We caught up and made some datea to see each ther, but soon after that, I went and tucked myself into bed. I watched some YouTube, and looked up some recipes for Laela’s upcoming birthday, and was generally cozy and lazy and comfy.

Brady is hoping for a similar evening of lazy, cozy, comfy time as well, so I’m cutting this post short. Time for diong very very little. Its been so long since we’ve done nothing for a few hours. I can’t wait!