Sleepy Baby, Time for Bed

Time to rest your sleepy head…

Does anyone else have the Sleepy Baby pop-up book? Its a gooder.

Our day wasn’t riveting, to be honest. I bought a set of baby monitors off a woman for $15 so I can bring a set to my parents house and friends houses where my kids need to nap. We’ve just been looking for an extra set for cheap, and now we have them. That was probably our “event” of the day, and not a whole lot else. I wanted to be ambitious, but it just didn’t play out.

It seems like, since I’ve been able to be public about our pregnancy, my body has decided it can really really feel pregnant now. Today was the first time in the last twelve weeks that I have gagged my way through diaper changes. Gagged. They were sooo gross today, for some reason. I hope the next couple of weeks give me some relief from that!

Laela wouldn’t nap this afternoon so she and I talked to Bradys mom on the phone for a while. Once we were done on the phone, Laela ate an entire banana, and drank some milk before Brady got home. He came bearing an enormous box of my earl grey kcups, courtesy of Amazon. And Twinings. Delish.

After supper, we went downstairs for about an hour to play and read. but Laela would have none of it. She was sooo loud and fussy, and obviously tired. We distracted her and played with her until it was time for her last bottle of the day. And she fell asleep drinking it, all cuddled up with me in the recliner. It was awesome. I didn’t have the nerve to wake her. I even carried her upstairs, like a bit ‘ole baby.


Squishy cheeks!!!
Squishy cheeks!!!

She’s not too fond of being carried like that anymore 🙁 Good thing my newer model is on order! 😉

Once both littles were safely tucked away, I went outside to check the garden. We have our first uber-cucumber, and our corn grew beards!!


I can’t wait for the rest of the garden to produce and to be able to finally enjoy the harvest!!

All in, this lazy day was really exactly what I needed after being so busy the last week, and so stressed out the week before. A quiet day with the kidlets. I love my kids.