So As Not to be Left Out

Solly threw up pretty impressively last night, around 1:00am. We didn’t know right away, as we woke up to him crying. Its out of character for him to wake up around that time, so we went to him, and sure enough, he was flapping around in a big puddle of vomit. Brady brought him to our bed where I sat his slimy self on my lap and he proceeded to continue barfing and gagging and barfing and gagging and gagging and gagging into my garbage can. He was SO upset, and SO stinky. Poor dude. Brady snuck down into Laela’s room and sniped a handful of fresh sleepers and blankets, so we were officially ready for anything. Thankfully, that bout was his last. For the night, anyway.

I felt pretty nauseous overnight, but nothing came of it, thank goodness. But Dekker woke Brady and I up this morning to tell us that Rowan had barfed. Sure enough, he had. He had contained it to his bed, thankfully, but his hair and body were coated. Morning baths did the trick and everyone was in better spirits. Our kids are a bit tricky, because they seem to be 100% fine, and then they’ll barf out of nowhere. Except they’re more tired, I suppose. Rowan was so shot that he traded in his lunch for a nap before he was even finished his food. Let’s just hope he wakes up clean and healthy.

Once lunch was done for everyone else, Brady wrapped Solly up to put him to bed, and I followed him up a minute later to get a hair elastic. Before I even got up the stairs, though, I heard Brady calling for him. Sure enough, Solly was throwing up his lunch and then some. Just givin’ ‘er. I held his little burrito-bodied self over the tub and he just let fly, over and over again. When it appeared that he was done for the moment, I lay him down on our bath mat and started to take him out of his soggy sleeper and blanket. He was all smiles and giggles. Weird.

Currently, the little boys are napping, the big kids are up and playing Lego, and I was finishing up a job I started on the deck build yesterday. Now I’m in with the kids and Brady is outside working on the stairs. SUCH a tedious part of the build! But soon they’ll be done, and then there will be more fun to be had!! Woot!

I’m pretty disappointed I haven’t had a chance to run into Saskatoon and run the errands I’ve been needing to run all week, but plans change when children puke. They just do. We’ll get there eventually. These days are just home days.

Of course we’re trapped at home with Starbucks is offering frappy hour 😒 Color me annoyed.