So Far Today…

I always feel a bit “off” when Brady works a Saturday. This is the day he should be home. Trust me, I know not everyone has the luxury of having their husband home on weekends, or in evenings, or to have flexible schedules. I know this. I am also THRILLED that he has work to go to! But, I’ll admit, I miss him. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that.

Saturday’s when Brady is gone can go lots of different ways, and with the weeks playing out how they have been recently, I was feeling quite apprehensive about today. Not that I don’t want to spend another day with my kids, but this is a day that I almost always have someone to tag team with, and today, I don’t. However, the morning has been really nice so far!

The kids are in happy moods. They ate breakfast well, and are now occupied with colouring, duplo, cars, etc. I know there is no promise that the entire day will go this way, but its a good kick off! I’ll take it!

Over breakfast, I was daydreaming about going to the lake, and I mentioned it to the kids. I said, as soon as its less snowy and more springy, we should drive to the lake on a Saturday. Even if its too cold to swim (which it will be for a WHILE) we could play on the playground. The entire group broke out into smiles and they started reminiscing.

Their favourite things included the playground, sticky buns, the big rock, walking, ice cream, chicken nuggets in the shape of dinosaurs, and the Dekker special – the fact that its so calm. The kids remembered playing on the big slides, digging holes in the beach, and Rowan’s friend, Emma, who played with him for such a long time one afternoon last summer. She hauled him in and out of swings, pushed him, and walked hand in hand with him from structure to structure. My goodness, they were a cute pair!

After ALL the reminiscing, I told the kids about the longer trip we have planned there for this summer. Our ONE “vacation” we’re taking. I told them we were going for a little bit longer than a week, and they all gasped. I told them it would be over my birthday, which brought up questions of desserts and treats we may or may not have. I told them that my parents would be joining us for a chunk of it, which just made it that much better. I told them, best of all, the new baby would be with us. Every piece of information had them squealing louder and louder.

I was excited for our lake trip before today, but it was SO great for me to see the kids so amped about it, too! I’m realizing I haven’t taken an itty bitty baby to the lake before, so the fun of some minimal research and more daydreaming has begun! Yet, as I start thinking that far ahead, I remember how many wonderful things I have coming up to look forward to! And also, how quickly plans can change, beyond anyone’s control. So, we shall see what happens when.

But I’m excited, and will continue to be until I’m told otherwise. Summer is coming, baby!!