So. Much. Dirt.

If you’ve followed for the last year or so, you know we accomplished a LOT last year. Project after project got done! It was actually a really wonderful time for our family! At the end of the season, we decided to throw some grass seed down and call it. Sod would’ve been amazing, but considering we were in the thick of covid and had no income, we felt that was something we could take the slow train on. Big deal, right?

Everyone. Is so. So. Dirty. Absolutely all. The. Time.

Our entire yard is dirt.

There is some grass, but its sparse. And the dirt settled pretty hard over winter so we need to lay more down before we even thinking about reseeding.

I am SO grateful for all the projects we were able to do last year, because Lord knows we wouldn’t be able to accomplish the half of them this year! But part of me wishes we had jumped on the sod train a year ago 😆

Here’s to a long season of filthy kids, baths that almost all of the kids resist.

One kid washed 🤮

One of these days, we’ll get everything done. And by “days” I mean “years.”