Solly Got Shots

At some stages of life, we have fallen grossly behind in getting our kids vaccinated. We are pro-vaccination, but we are pretty relaxed about when it happens, as in if its a month later, it doesn’t matter. If I have shots scheduled and my kid comes down with even just a cold, we reschedule shots. Its just how we do it. To each their own.

With Solly, we’ve managed to stay pretty well on schedule! Solly was six months old just over a week ago, and I took him in for his six month shots this morning. I dropped Dekker off at school (its frigid out, by the way. Brrrrr!) and my mom graciously offered to stay home with Laela and Rowan so I could take Solly for some one on one time! This was also great, because if we were 3-1 at that appointment, likely Brady would have come to occupy the two middle kids, and this way, he didn’t have to lose any time out of his work day. It was a really nice set up 🙂 Thanks mom!

Solly and I got to clinic about ten minutes early, and he sat on my lap trying to eat the pen I was trying to fill out his forms with. It was cute, and the mother/daughter pair sitting across from us were quite enamoured. I don’t blame them. He is such a peach.

When we were called in, the nurse started going through the motions. She asked if he had been weighed recently, and I told her he was weighed about two weeks ago. But I asked if he could be weighed anyway. He had been sick at the time (we were right in the beginning of the HFMD debacle) and now, he was well, and has been eating a TON of solid food. So I was eager to see how much he had bulked up.

And he lost weight. He lost 1.5 lbs.

I was really surprised, and I mentioned to the nurse that he had lost weight. She said “well, I don’t have that information in front of me.” I didn’t really think that mattered, so I pressed a little bit.

Yes, he weighed 20 lbs 12 oz just two weeks ago.
He doesn’t look like he’s losing weight.
I see that he’s a chunky guy, too, but doesn’t that seem like a decent loss when he’s in better health than he was?
*clicks keyboard* Well he’s still in the 85th-99th percentile for everything, so I think his size is fine.

At that point, I gave up. I’m annoyed. I don’t think he’s in any kind of trouble, but I thought a weight loss like that warranted a bit more conversation. In the last while, Solly has really taken to solid foods, and while its been great, I wonder if maybe we’ve cut too far back on his milk and are just counting on the solids to carry him over, and its backfiring? (***Yes, I’m aware that people generally are to give their baby all the milk they want, and then just play and let them taste solids along the way. Milk is to be their main source of nutrition. I know this. Its different with reflux babies.***) I wish I could have discussed these things with this nurse, but she dismissed it very quickly, and I didn’t want to be annoying and overbearing.

All of this aside, Solly did great today. He only had to have one needle, and he let go a really high pitched, squealy cry, and then that was it. He was SO quiet while I snuggled him on my shoulder immediately after, I thought he was gearing up for a while wail, but I finally looked at his face, and he cooed at me. So I guess he was just done! He handled it like a champ. I hope he’s always this chill for his needles!