Solomon Started Playschool

Kid #4 started school today 😳 Feels a liiiiittle bananas! But he was beside himself with excitement!

He was even jazzed about “getting” to wear a mask. 😷 (To be clear, these will only be enforced during singing time because we cannot do playschool without singing!!!)

Solly wanted so badly to leave with the school kids, but he had a bit of a wait ahead of him. I decided to busy him with a “first day of school” photo sesh. Waverly wanted to join so badly, and let me tell you! Lol! Those are are almost impossible to get looking at the camera at the same time! 😆 They’re terribly cute, though!

Once it was finally time for him to go, I got some solo photos of Solomon on his FIRST day of school!!! 🥰

He was SO happy to go to school. ❤️ Didn’t even look back.

Brady has left for a short day of work now, and I’m one on one with Princess Baldy over here.

Believe it or not, she’s a pretty easy gig 😆

I’ll tell you all about how it went tomorrow! I don’t anticipate any issues. My heart feels such relief when the kids go easily. Thank you Lord!

Solly Wolly is growing up ❤️

mama jeanne

Oh man, Solomon is such a beautiful boy! His nature is so sweet and soft and it shows all over his face. I sure do love him! I hope he had a great day.