Some Camping Stuff

Brady and I went to Saskatoon this morning to get his blood taken and checked for his upcoming chemo cycle. That was quick and easy. Brady is a pro at bloodwork now. Once it was over, we made a quick run to Home Depot for something little, and then we hit Walmart.

I have some food goals for the near future, none of which can be satisfied by Costco, so Walmart was the direction I moved in! We got some baking things, some scrubby yarn (trust me, my scrubbies are awesome, and you want a couple) and some wipers for our van. Our poor van, haha! The wiper blades started flapping recently, and today they completely folded in on themselves. So that was a must. Before we headed to checkout, we went to peruse the seasonal, summery stuff.

And guys. I could’ve done a LOT of damage. I resisted, but I did buy a few things.

First – bowls. We are a bowl family. I would rather have three bowls than a big plate. Its just the truth. Last summer, we bought super cute coral dishes out of Walmart for the lake. Plates were $0.75 each, but bowls were $1.50. So we left them. And we shouldn’t have. We like bowls. We needed bowls. This year, the colors are different, but the bowls were the same cost as the plates! So we got a bunch. Like, a bunch. Fourteen. Because heaven forbid we each need two bowls in one meal, or we just didn’t do dishes. Anyway. Bowls. Blue bowls. Fourteen bowls. I’m so happy.

Second – Food storage containers. Now, hear me. I know I care about these more than I should, but I am oddly excited for these things.

We tend to bring a few ziploc containers with us to the lake, but I never choose the right sizes, or I forget, or I just don’t have any at all and leftovers end up in grocery bags 🤦🏼‍♀️ Not ideal. These will be just for the lake! They are CUTE and the designs wont even come off because they’ll just be hand-washed at the lake!!

Third – we bought a toilet auger. Lol! Less exciting. Less cute. More important. I’m grateful for it.

Today’s trip to Saskatoon made me anticipate lake time even more than I have been, which is already a lot!

Aaaaany minute now!!