Some Christmas Shopping Has Begun

I’d love to be someone who was DONE Christmas shopping nicely in advance, and I’m just not sure thats in the cards for me 😅 Maybe someday, but today is not that day.

That being said, I have a few things on hand already from a month or two ago, and yesterday, I received a few other things in the mail. Thank you, Amazon, for having some great gift options for my kids!!

That being said, I have something I really need to order from Old Navy. And also Walmart. And also Superstore. But none of them meet the minimum required amount for free shipping. And the cheapo in me cannot justify for paying for shipping without very specific circumstances. So I’m waiting on those things for now. I might buckle for the Old Navy item, because I kind of can’t let it pass us by. We’ll have to see.

I’m just feeling like we have SO much in limbo right now, and if I drag my feet even a little, we could suddenly be in the midst of packing and moving and unpacking and all that craziness really close to Christmas! Ack! So I HAVE to get things organized, like, now.

Something they want, something they need, something to wear, and something to read. For six kids. Even doing modest, intentional gifts still means at least TWENTY FOUR GIFTS! Hahahahaha! Plus other things for other people we love 💜

Oh and I need Canadian Tire! But I’ll get there in person someday soon. Crisis averted.

*adds Canadian Tire to the list*