Some Rest for the Weary

These broken nights with Waverly are wearing on all of us. Today, while some of the cousins went out for a walk, my mom, sisters, and I hung back at the house to visit and let Wavy crawl around and relax. Poor little miss was fussing and crying on and off the entire morning, regardless of how much I held, rocked, fed, watered, set down, picked back up that I did. She was NOT having it. But I managed to hold her off until lunch, where she happily ate her body weight in macaroni and chicken nuggets. We left shortly after lunch and got everyone down for naps, myself included. My arms are tired from holding a fidgety little baby all morning – a baby who would wholeheartedly push to get away from me, and then cry when I set her down. Oy! I’m tired!

Brady took the big kids into the city for a quick work errand, and I’m laying in bed in the dark, resting, blogging, playing FreeCell, making a list for the lake, and getting names drawn for Christmas. I know, I know. Don’t hate me. I like to plan ahead. I’m super comfy, and loving the quiet.

I think I’ll watch some YouTube, and transfer some photos and videos off my phone. My poor iCloud hasn’t updated in forever and a day. Time to free that sucker up!

Keep sleeping, kids!!