Someone Needs a Facelift Over Here…

I’ve found myself wanting more for this silly blogthing that I’ve started. I won’t get into too much detail on the subject, though, as I could go ON and ON. But I’ve been wracking my brain about whether to make some changes, which changes to make, how seriously I want to take it, and how much work I want to put into it, or if I should just call it. There is a LOT to think about!

I obviously don’t know enough about the internet, because I was under the impression that I could legally buy my website name, and the whole annual fee thing would be done. I would just own it. Apparently that’s not actually a thing, and I can’t do it unless I have my own server?? Which I clearly do not. When I learned this charming bit of information, I transitioned my blog from being hosted by WordPress to Bluehost. I was having to upgrade and upgrade some more with WordPress, as my allotted amount of space was filling quickly. Bluehost offered unlimited space for a slightly better price than my limited space at WordPress, so we jumped at it. If you’ve been around long enough to remember the whole debacle, it was a big mess switching over, and we’ve sort of had little issues all along the way.

Now this silly issue of the rotated pictures has been going on for several months. Not for everyone, but for a good group of people. It is virtually impossible for me to fix it, as the pictures show up properly for me. If they were askew on my screen, of course I would rotate them! Yesterday, I FINALLY found the developers contact information, and I emailed them. Lucky for me, I got a response today.

Unlucky for me, the theme that I’m using (the basic blue and white background/template) is retired. While it can still run and be active, there are no more updates or bug fixes. Therefore, basically, it is what it is. This is incredibly frustrating for me, as I sit here, dreaming about trying to make my blog be more. I can do so many things to make it better than what I do now, but I can’t walk away from a post knowing that the pictures are going to be awry and feel good about that!

With all of this new information, I’ve spent the better part of the last few hours perusing new templates. This blog is clearly in need of a facelift, but its up to me to decide just how drastic that needs to be, and I truly don’t know how far to take it yet. Just the template, but leave the content the same? Just an eye lift, but no botox? Just Patrick Dempsey, or full on Renee Zellweger? I don’t know how drastic to go here. And I don’t like ANY of the templates!!! I want something so simple and clean looking, but everything I see that matches that criteria just looks plain, and basic. I think there is a difference between simple and basic, don’t you? Can’t someone just design one for me?? Or teach me?! I have ideas, but know so little on the subject.

I wouldn’t be so frustrated, but I want to do well at this. I feel like, while I love writing, I don’t do it well enough. I’m sure a lot of you can see what I mean. I don’t even proofread! And I really should. Sometimes I read back and just cringe. But I can change that. I can proofread. I can make post layouts. I can pour more time into my posts to make them interesting. But I cannot guarantee that the pictures are going to come out the correct orientation, and that is driving me bonkers! I haven’t taken pride in my work, or at least not enough, and I want to change that. For you guys, and for me.

I don’t know if I’ll make changes tonight, or in a week, in a month, or never. But if something comes up looking super different, and very glitchy, be gentle and patient with me! I’m sure trying over here.

Deanne Makellky

My husband is trained in web design and programming and he is very good. He may be able to help you if you know what you want he can design it for you. Let me know.


Really?? I don’t want too many specifics even, but a few, if I could actually have a say! How can I get in touch with you with details??