
See what I did there? Its like a spontaneous date, but all one word. I know, I’m SO witty.

Brady was home today, which worked out great in lots of ways. My mom’s plans for the day had changed and she was going to the city to run some errands. I was due for a grocery shop, so when she called to invite me along, I jumped. Also because I love her. Not just because of groceries.

We did our big grocery shop first, where I planned to grab one or two things, and $110 later, I had cleaned a lot of items off of our list! Woot! I also found a few things I hadn’t managed to find when looking previously, and a bunch of $5 clearance shirts for Laela. Lots of wins.

After Superstore, we hit up a store where my mom bought some baby gifts. She was very sensitive, and made sure I was ok with that part of the trip before we went. And of course I was. I promise, if you’re around me, and pregnant, and desire to tell me, I WANT to know!!! I can comfortably celebrate in your joy while still being sad about my loss. I promise, your baby doesn’t make me feel worse. I won’t lie, though. I did daydream a bit about having a baby while we were in there, but it didn’t hurt my heart. I am genuinely happy for those around me who are having babies.

We lunched at Tony Romas, and then drove home along the river. It was lovely. We could talk about goals and plans and projects and kids and summer. It was SUCH a nice way to spend the daytime hours.

I was pleasantly surprised when I arrived home to find Brady had done SO MUCH at home!! He finished up a bunch of tasks and cleaned up a ton! Thank you, honey, for doing housework while I went out, and not resenting me at all. You’re pretty wonderful.

I think we’re planning on a pretty relaxed evening around here. I hope you guys all enjoy your Friday nights as well!!