Stuff Swap

I had hoped all along that we would be able to have some amazing garage sale before we moved, but as is our system, our timing is poor for that. If you can remember a ways back, we moved out of Radisson between Christmas and New Years. And we moved into this house when Solomon was four days old. So we don’t have an awesome track record or appropriately timed moves. Whatever. Its not our timing, haha! So on we go! 

With a garage sale in mind, however, we have stuff we don’t want to move with us that we’d really like to get rid of. Not worried about values, really just looking to see if anyone wants these things. Before I post it to the folks on the local “buy nothing” page, I thought I’d let you guys know. 

Right off the hop, we have three twin bed frames. One is old and heavy with drawers underneath. One is old and metal and was actually the one I grew up using. And one is from Ikea and has drawers under it. That one is decently nice, but the front layer on one of the drawers is coming off. All work great for what they’re intended for. 

Our coffee bar also has to go. Its solid wood and holds a lot of things! Its a great piece, honestly. Super sturdy and practical. But the top is terribly water damaged, thanks to use using it for beverages. Nothing a table runner cant hide, or a refinish wouldn’t make beautiful again! 

We have one of those big ancient chest freezers in our garage that we also don’t want to take with us. It came to us in our Radisson house, and it was already old there. I have NO idea how long it’ll live, but possibly its one of those elephant appliances that lives forever. 

And our basement fridge is last. It is a great drink fridge! I will be the first to admit it is hard to get it set up where the freezer and the fridge work well in tandem. Vegetables cannot live in this fridge. At least not easily. Unless you decide not to use the freezer at all. Then vegetables would probably be ok. Anyway. Its a bit finicky with the temperature being one dial that controls both areas, but if you’re looking for a beer fridge, you’ve got one!

So to fishtail off of the subject of stuff we don’t want, I’m in the market for a couple of things that I believe people tend to buy, use for a time, and then change out or pass along. Most specifically, I’m looking for a couple of those units of clear plastic drawers. Varying sizes are fine. Nothing special or uniform required. Just, some plastic dressers for papers, crafts, collections, etc. Also, I think I need a beanbag chair?? Hahahaha! Ok, not need. No one needs one of those, but in trying to get the kids rooms in a way that feels homey and cozy and special, I think there is a particular area in one room that could really use a beanbag chair. Or some other cushy equivalent. There are other things we need to lock down for the house in terms of tangible items, but I imagine they’ll need to be new, and thats ok. We do almost everything we can second hand, so hopefully a nice new recliner to replace our 12 year old brown monstrosity and some light fixtures won’t break us, haha! I’m scouring marketplace every day for a couple of appliances, as well as a roll top/secretarys desk/something like it for right by the front entrance to be a bit of a dumping ground for keys, mail, etc. Maybe something smaller. I’m not sure yet. But my eyes are open! 

Its fun to plan these things for REAL now that things are actually going in the right direction and we are (ready?) on the move! The kids picked out their curtains the other day, as well as some Christmas lights to have in their rooms. Its all REAL, and I’m so so excited 💜 We all are! 

But guys, I don’t want to haul this furniture to the next place sooooo please come take it!