
Dekker officially survived his first sleep in his big boy bed! Ok, its still his crib, just without the front. But it counts. He was a touch apprehensive when we lay him down, and he took quite a while to fall asleep, but he never got out of bed. He eventually fell asleep flat on his face, without any blankets. And slept all through the night!

I was so thankful to wake up to Laela in the morning, instead of a loud thump from Dekker’s room like the night before. I checked the video monitor and found him standing in the corners of his daybed, checking things out, or he would sit in the front corner that is now wide open. But he never left the bed. When I went in to get him, he stood up and reached out for me, requesting to be picked up. I suggested he climb out on his own and he sort of looked down at the floor, and then shook his head. I told him it wouldn’t be as scary if he sat down on his bum, so he tried it out and of course, he easily climbed out. I asked him if he liked his bed, to which he responded with an excited “Ya!” I know it seems like a small thing, but I pondered this a couple of months ago and decided it was too big of an adjustment. While he surprises us all the time, I genuinely think that waiting until now was smart. Yes, he took a fall because of it. But I think it would have been considerably worse a couple of months ago, and I’m happy we waited. And it seems he is content as well.

He napped great in his crib as well. He slept over 2.5 hours. When I heard him making noise, I went to get him. I usually let him hang out in there for a while before I get him, but now that he can get down on his own, I don’t want him to be waiting by the door and have me not hear him. So I went to get him and he was still trashed! He sat on my lap without speaking for a solid half hour before he perked up. See? There’s a reason we leave him in there! He likes to wake up on his own!! He’s a sweetie.

He was considerably less nervous this evening, so that is wonderful 🙂 Its becoming normal.

We spent the evening with Jerilee, eating honey chicken over rice, and watching the Lost finale. We had a great visit, and finally parted ways shortly after 11pm. I love her. Thanks for making the trip, friend!

To bed we go! I hope you’re all already sleeping!


Haha, I was waiting to see how the night had gone. He is a sweetie!:) so neat to watch him learn and grow!!