Successful Napping

This morning, Laela woke up at 7:15 and bawled her little face off. For about two minutes or less. And she was back out. Dekker slept until 8:00 before waking up on his own. I watched him on the monitor for a few minutes, while he sat up, fell back over, did all the cute face rubbing that he does, and all that good stuff. Finally, when he was awake enough, he began talking and giggling and stood up to check on Laela. The second he saw she was asleep, he was quiet, and lay back down. Amazing, right?? It didn’t last too long at all before she woke up and they were both wiiide awake and ready for the day. To put it in Dekker’s words, they were “happy to be done sleeping.” That they were.

** I want to make this post about sleeping, but I have to say that I gave Laela Cheerios for the first time today and she can eat them without gagging!! She’s still clumsy and ends up losing pieces, but thats because she pushes the Cheerio up to the front where her eight sharp little teeth reside, and she actually chomps up and down over and over until she bites it in half! She gums up what stays in her mouth and eats it easily, but often the second half falls out. But either way, yay Laela!!!

Ok, back to the day and the kids naps. I considered keeping Laela up and making the kids nap somewhere between 11-12 together, but she was getting really, really vocal and high pitched, which is her telltale sign that she’s getting tired. So I put her down and she slept solid until noon. Thats when I woke her.

I know. I hate waking my kids. But if she goes later than noon, there is almost no chance they’ll go down together at their regular 2:00 time. So I woke her and fed her downstairs like always. What was awesome about today is that she is really enjoying her new ability to sit up from laying down, and she practiced it over and over and over. The whole time she was up and not eating, she was plunking down on her tummy, and then pushing herself back up. And it tired her out!! At 2:00, they were both ready, I thought.

Dekker fell asleep immediately, while Laela continued to practice her skill for the next half hour. I went up and lay her back down and she went to sleep right away. Laela slept until 4:00, and Dekker didn’t even stir when I went in to retrieve her. He didn’t lull until just before 5:00. It was a GREAT sleep day!

Now, its the evening, and the kids are pretty ready, I’d say. Deks is tucked in and Laela is just finishing her bottle. Soon enough, they’ll both be quiet. Brady is going to quickly rototill the garden, but then its snack and bath time. I love these few hours before bed.