Sunday at Our House

Brady and I expected to go to church today, especially since two members of our church were actually getting married during the service! However, yesterday felt like a very heavy day, so we opted to stay home and sleep a bit extra. It wasn’t a bad day yesterday, but I have been feeling incredibly bogged down recently, and it is both emotionally and physically exhausting. For the last few weeks, I’ve been saying that I feel incredibly “full term.” Very, very pregnant. I am now at the point where I am almost always out of breath. I know this is a common thread in pregnancy, but it doesn’t usually happen for me until much closer to the end. So I’m just tired, and I know my body. It needs rest. So this morning, we rested.

I had a latte in bed, thanks to my husband and our Rivo, and we took our time getting up. The kids played a we watched a bit of tv in between. Really took things slow. It was SO nice! We had made plans to have my parents over for supper, and because we are who we are and they are who they are, we had the perfect plan, which involved sweat pants and an easy supper. When they arrived in the mid-afternoon, we were all still in comfy clothes, I was prepping a bit for supper, Brady was doing dishes, the big kids were playing, and Rowan had just gone down for a second nap. It was very nice and quiet and comfy. They came with a bouquet of flowers in hand, as well as some homemade cookies, to celebrate our new “home” for the next couple of months. Really, they were the perfect house warming gifts. I couldn’t have felt happier than with fresh cookies in my kitchen and a GORGEOUS bright springy bouquet on my table. This house already feels incredibly comfortable, but the gifts were a lovely cherry on top.

We spent the rest of the afternoon with the kids talking non-stop to their grandparents, Rowan showing off his mad hand holding walking skills, Laela and Dekker showing off their new chapsticks with kisses, and some visiting amongst the adults 😉 It was a lot of fun, and very low pressure.

For supper, we mixed up the delicious mix of pizza bun topping and threw it on some fresh buns, with chips on the side. We had fresh cookies for dessert, and the kids were pumped. MUCH more for the cookies than the pizza buns, lol! Our kids and their weird issues with messy food. But it was all delicious, if I can be so bold.

We played and visited a little bit more before toys got tidied, teeth got brushed, and the kids went to bed. It was a really lovely evening, and the kids were in a good place.

My parents stayed until about 8:00pm and the kids fell asleep shortly thereafter. Now we rest up once again! Brady has Monday off but then reality hits and he’s back to work for the week. So tomorrow, we do Costco and drive to see the house and check the progress. Last time we went through, we thought there looked to be a bit of a hold up in one area, so we’re hoping to see some movement on Monday. But until then, we watch The Good Wife and eat caramel drumsticks.