Super Selfish on Thanksgiving

My parents aren’t around right now, and we often spend holidays with them, so it was a change for us to be on our own for Thanksgiving. Don’t feel bad for us, we were completely happy to have a comfy day at home with the kids. Brady had agreed to drum in church this morning, but the kids and I hung back at home.

When I went in to get them this morning, Laela was wailing her head off and somehow, Dekker was fast asleep. So I plucked Laela from her crib and quietly backed out of the room. She and I proceeded to get some breakfast together and play at the table for a while, just the two of us. But when she was mostly finished eating, she flipped her plate over and drummed whole heartedly on the back of it. It was very soon afterwards that Dekker woke. He was still groggy, but cooperated very well with his diaper change and headed out to the dining room for breakfast.

Both kids ate well and played well together. Dekker was quite whiny waiting for Brady to get back, but he’s still adjusting to us being home and I think he didn’t appreciate Bradys absence. Its good though, since work starts back up this week and Brady will be gone in the daytime again. It was a nice trial run.

If you don’t know, I’ve been craving really good asian food for about two months, and have yet to get my hands on any, much less my teeth. Brady and I had decided that he would go pick some up after church and bring it home for lunch. However, I discovered that our cafe in town serves Chinese food! I was really excited, and actually texted him this info while he was in church. We were both pumped, so he came straight home after church, only to discover that he internet lies and they are not in fact open on Sundays and holidays.

I went into full selfish mode. I had been sooo excited to finally have this ridiculous craving satisfied, and then there was no way to make it happen, that I couldn’t think of anything else I could possibly want. I started to feel legitimately nauseous and couldn’t fathom another thing I could possibly eat. Maaaybe seafood, which also doesn’t exist here. I whined about food until about 2:00pm, when I gave up and made myself a salad. I didn’t feel any better afterwards, but I knew the longer I waited to eat, the worse I would feel. So I just had lettuce with cheese shredded overtop, sunflower seeds, and my honey mustard dressing I make. It was yummy, but it wasn’t asian food. Maybe tomorrow.

Its pretty silly to be so devastated over something so trivial hey? Especially on thanksgiving!! Hahaha! I mean, we should always be thankful, regardless of the day, but it just seemed extra childish today.

So. To be thankful. I feel like people already know what I’m thankful for. The obvious ones: my hilariously beautiful children, and the husband that helped me build the. The roof over our heads. Our vehicle that runs. Safe water from our taps, and when thats not available, our kick-ass water cooler. We have everything we need. Here are some less obvious but VERY important things I’m thankful for.

Fetal movement. I am SO thankful that I can feel the baby move more often these days. It feels like its taken so long to get here, and I can still rarely feel movement outside of my belly, but I can be confident that my baby is active and growing. Thank you Lord!

Moving potential. We have been trying to move for a few years now, unbeknownst to most of you guys. For a number of reasons, we’ve had to stay put, and learn a BIG lesson about waiting and patience. However, it is looking like this next year could very well be our year to move. We are optimistic that next spring will our turn!

Friends. We are blessed with a fabulous support system all around us, but I am EXTRA thankful for the ever-beautiful Jerilee who lived in our house for most of a week so Brady and I could escape kid-free and refresh together. What an unbelievable gift that was!!!

Lastly, and you may find this a bit silly, but I am thankful for other peoples baby success! I wrote a while back about a YouTube couple that I watch, who had recently found out they were pregnant with their second, completely by surprise. Yet, her doctor was very convinced she would miscarry. I’m am THRILLED that the ultrasound showed a heartbeat, a healthy-looking pregnancy, and a reason for her spotting. God is GREAT!

Thats all I’ve got for you today. I’m very thankful I have the readers I have, because I doubt I’d still be blogging if no one was reading. Somehow that helps 🙂 Thanks guys. Talk tomorrow!