Surprise! I Was Gone!

Late Friday morning, I was completely unexpectedly convinced out of my house for the weekend.

There was an event this past weekend that I have always loved attending – the craft retreat. I wrote it off long ago for a handful of reasons. Both financial and moral responsibility beat out my desire to crochet on a couch, among friends, eating good food. But the game was changed. So I spoke to Brady, who had only just learned that the craft retreat was coming up, was in full favour of me going. We haven’t spent a night apart since he came home from the hospital. With that, he hadn’t spent that long on his own with the kids since well before his surgery. He was completely capable before, and we both knew he’d be fully capable now, but I did worry he would tire out really quickly and struggle more. But we agreed that now was the best time to try it out, when I would only be a short 20 minutes away if something really went bad. And we were both confident it wouldn’t.

Spoiler alert: We were right. Nothing went bad 💜

We decided I would attend the retreat around 11am on Friday, and my ride showed up about three hours later! We got there in time to help unload, set up, and organize the place. We got tables and chairs set up, food put away, rooms assigned for night, etc. And then people started coming and we started crafting.

I sat on the far couch. See my big ole yarn carrier thing? Yup, that was where I parked my behind.

And this weekends schedule speaks for itself!

Remember when I could hardly eat? Man alive. I really enjoyed eating this weekend. Its possible mini eggs were part of my brunch plate.

I got a mountain of work done. More than I ever would’ve gotten done at home. We can talk more about that another day. It was all so last minute, I didn’t have time to acquire the yarn I needed for pending orders, so I just crocheted *gasp* what I WANTED!!! So that was a riot, hahaha! I worked and ate and slept a little, though I forgot my pillow at home, of all things. But I made it work, and had such a nice weekend away.

I was greeted at the end of our driveway by my husband 💜 What an incredible way to come home. The kids followed within the minute of my arrival. It was pretty awesome to be received so warmly.

I LOVED my time away. I felt LOVED while I was away.

I LOVED coming home. I felt LOVED at home.

Thank you, Lord, for this weekend. I feel incredibly fortunate 💜


I’ll show you what Brady and the kids were up to tomorrow 🙂