Surprisingly Pleasant

I was blessed with incredibly friendly and level children today. They played hard, and barely fussed. Laela complained only when she was tired, and Dekker played well pretty much right up until nap time. He shared without too much hesitation, and surprised me over and over.

After his incident of hitting Laela yesterday, he seemed to be extra careful with her today. While I changed her diaper on the floor downstairs, he knelt beside us, watching. Once her diaper was all closed up and her tummy was still all exposed, he inquired “Ticky La?” I right away gave him the go ahead, and he tickled her and ran away and ran back and tickled her and ran away and ran back, over and over and over again. I love that he asked first. He’s never done that. Best big brother ever.

I believe it was in that exact same setting where I discovered…..Laela popped her fourth tooth!! Of course, its not the other top front tooth, but the one to the side of front one she recently popped. Still counts 🙂 She has this adorable crooked smile half the time anyway, so it makes sense for her teeth to come in out of order. She’s incredible beautiful, and I’m so proud of her! I cheered and clapped and made a big show of it, and she squealed excitedly while Dekker imitated the both of us. Yay Laela!!! Congrats on your new tooth! I am incredible grateful for the easy teethers I have.

My last hilarious anecdote of the day is about Dekker and his manners. As I said yesterday, I really focus on manners in our house, but you wouldn’t believe it if you saw how loudly Dekker can burp and fart. He’s always been so careful with his language, and doesn’t like to say words until he’s more confident, but he refuses to say “excuse me.” I haven’t pushed it too hard because I know how method, but its taking too long, and he’s not even trying. So today, being a particularly gassy day for him, I asked him a few times. He would cutely say “stop it,” but I would just keep it light, but insist he try. Even just “scuse me.” And then it happened.

Dekker: *fart* *giggle*
Hailey: Say “excuse me.”
Dekker: Stooooop it!
Hailey: Nope, please say “scuse me.”
Dekker: Snoopy.

It. Is. Pure. Awesome! I’m not even going to correct him. I’ve been wondering at what point I should start getting on his case about pronouncing things correctly, but I’m keeping “snoopy.” I don’t even care. Its sooo funny, and incredible cute!

My adorable son is tucked away in bed already. He was in at his normal bedtime, but its so weird putting him to bed when its so bright out still! I love it. Warmth is coming, guys! The adorable girly will be cuddled away soon too, and then I will eat lemon cupcakes in the bathtub. Anyone else have such delicious plans?