Taking Down Christmas

It finally happened. I know February is going to be a challenging month. As if January wasn’t 😅 Let’s share a little laugh about that one.

Oooookay, so that didn’t last long!

I plan to still love my life in February, but I want to get some of the big stuff out of the way before it comes. So on the last day of January, as a big storm brews outside, we decided to take down Christmas.

Fun fact. If the kids helped up up Christmas, they can help take down Christmas! Its also significantly easier than putting it up.

Usually we do the big tree and most of the little stuff, and then we do the trees above the cabinets at the end of winter. Because we love them. They are easily my favorite decor in our whole house. But this year, we decided to do it all in one shot. Just get it done so I can be on a ladder one less time this season, lol!

Dekker took on the job of removing the lights from the tree and coiling them back up. Brady announced that he was “the Christmas genius” and took the tree apart in an effort to make it easier for him. He felt VERY good about himself hahaha!

Its all done now!

And by “done” I mean its all in boxes up in the garage. Putting the boxes back up there is SO hard for me, so if weather permits in any way, any time, we will be asking for help to get the boxes back up in garage storage.

What does a person do with this space now? Every spring, I look up above my cabinets and wish there was something pretty up there. But what? Any and all ideas welcome! My cabinets are naked and they need your help!