Ten Months of Waverly

Wavy has had a big month!! She’s developing so fast before our eyes! I feel so fortunate to have the chance to watch her grow and change. She’s such a beautiful part of our family. I can’t imagine us without her.

The little miss isn’t so little! According to our home scale, she clocks in at 20 lbs 6 oz! Last month was frustrating because her weight at home vs on the doctors scale was SO different, but keeping consistent with our scale so we at least knows her growth, she’s up about a pound! Thats a lot!

Especially considering the fact that she’s had a cold on and off this month, and hasn’t been drinking her milk well. But she LOVES food so that helps, I’m sure. She’s continuing to thrive and grow and strengthen! Its really awesome to watch. She also popped tooth #7 this month, on April 22nd.

It came in with a vengeance, and she’s been working hard for tooth #8 since then, but to no avail. Pretty confident its in there somewhere.

Waverly is learning so much!! She’s not crawling, but she’s mobile enough that we put our baby gate up just the other day. She’s been able to roll for quite a while, obviously, but now she’ll roll in a line to get somewhere. When she is in on her tummy, she gets her knees up and rocks like crazy to get moving. She goes backwards well, lol! Once or twice, we’ve had her on her tummy and found her sitting up, but only a couple times 😉

Besides movement, she waves pretty well, and sometimes says “hi.” She knows mama and dada well. It still melts me into a puddle every time. I’ve never had a baby say words so early. She also claps SO well! If we ask her to clap, she will, or if we’re all excited about something, she’ll clap. Orrrrr, if we praise her up and say “good girl” or something like that, she’ll clap. Its awesome. She gets SO excited! Sometimes clapping is accompanied by a “yaaay!” Another thing I’ve noticed this month is that Waverly’s dexterity is WAY better than it was! She went from fumbling with toys to being able to pick up a single Cheerio and eat it. This seems small, but it counts! Its an awesome milestone. She went from only being able to pick up things the size of her palm or bigger, to teeny things, in one day! Good job, Waverly! (If she could read, she would clap here.)

Baby girl has totally dropped her schedule. Poor Wavy. Poor Wavy’s parents. With her cold kind of coming and going, and those teeth pushing, she is back to being up at least once in the night. But she is exhausted all day, too!

She used to sleep in a bit and take a good long afternoon nap, and that was it. But these days, she wakes up earlier and needs at least two naps. It doesn’t matter too much how much she sleeps in the day, she is ready for bed at 7:00pm regardless. I guess a change in her general routine has been that she definitely eats table food at every meal. Aaand she drinks water from a cup! Our first kid to ever care about real cups! She can drink from a straw, but she doesn’t want to. We have all kinds of videos of her drinking from a cup, and while its always a bit of a mess, she loves it! And it makes the other kids laugh 🙂 I’ll put on or two on Instagram today for you guys.

It sounds silly to say, because she’s been here in our home for ten months, but she really feels like a full blown family member these days, lol!

She does all the same stuff everyone else does, and comes along super naturally. She fits right in. Its beautiful just watching my children go through different stages of life, and its seeming like babyhood is on the way out for Miss Waverly. Lucky for me, toddlerhood is pretty epic as well. And childhood. And all thats to come.

For now, though, we’ll love exactly where we are.

Thank the Lord for ten months with Waverly.