Thank Goodness

I am SO relieved that today is better than yesterday! Its still quiet time, so hopefully I haven’t spoke too soon 😆 While the weather is blustery, inside is quite lovely. The wind sound is something I actually don’t mind. Its part of spring. It sounds like rain is on the way, though at this point, it’ll be snow. But, what can I say? I like it.

The day has held Lego, reading, researching, and the kids even tidied their closets! That job inspired some crafting from the things they found, and Cher and I were graced with loving notes and pictures.

Dekker found a map and immediately got to work looking for Tom and Rae’s camp spot.

We are ALL ready to get back into the camping swing of things!

The day is not perfect, but we aren’t expecting perfect. Soon, we’ll have coffee, turn on some music, and ride out the rest of our daytimes hours inside. I’ve got all of my challenging stuff for the day done!! So now we breathe 🙂 I hope many of you do the same 💜