That Crocheting Bug Tho

The cooler weather is upon us, and I want to show you some things I’ve been making recently! I did start this during the summer months to prepare for fall, but I’m glad I did!

I made some cardigans!! Woot!

Wavy’s was first, because she’s the smallest. I figured if I messed it up bad, it would’ve taken the least amount of time. 

What I learned while making hers was that I needed to stitch looser. Her’s is a bit more “bubbled” than I’d like, rather than slouchy. But she doesn’t care, so I’m calling it a win. 

Then I made Laela’s! I made it looser, and it turned out better! 

The pattern I’m using calls for bulky yarn, but I’m using regular worsted weight rather, so I’m having to size way up to make it work up in the sizing I want. With Laela, the first arm came out SO short, so I had to pull it out and tweak the pattern It was a good learning experience, and I’m glad I took the time to redo the arms. Laela LOVES her cardigan. 

And now, I’m making one for me! 

Ok, so actually in this picture, I’m pulling it out. Lol! Isn’t that sad?? But I made the entire body and I KNEW it was shorter than I wanted it. I fought back and forth in my head for a long while, saying it was a perfectly respectable length, about to the waist, but I knew I wanted it longer and slouchier. So I pulled it out. Sigh. it was so sad. Now, I’m back at it. So far, I have an excellent rectangle. 

Sigh. When I pull out a project, I usually don’t go back to it. Like, ever. But I really want a squishy wool cardigan to call my own!! So it had better be worth it! 

Next, we’re all getting tall wool socks!!! 

Whoah. Getting ahead of myself. Calm down, Hailey. Calm down.