That Day of Breathing

Today is my day to do things I can relax with, as well as organize a handful of other things that need attention this week. Unfortunately, we’ve been hit with a couple of extra roadblocks this morning, and its not turning out to be an especially productive day. There is still time, however, and I did accomplish one big thing, and I have finally been able to get started on my next commissioned tartan project. I will be able to put in a couple of hours on that today, maybe more depending on how the family is feeling after nap time.

Its going to be less of a “doing things” day and more of a “sit tight and see how things go” day. And thats ok, I think. I will for sure have a VERY busy day tomorrow, so things will get done then! Then Brady has a busy day on Wednesday. And Thursday is not so much busy as it is BIG. And Friday, the kids are home to stay for the break!

Oh and did I mention there is snow on the ground? Oof.

We just have to make it through the week!