“That Family”

In a handful of settings, we’re “that family.” I don’t flatter myself into thinking we’re in some type of spotlight, but I do know that, even when we try to stay under the radar, we do stand out just because there are lots of us. And thats ok. We keep a pretty low profile. I like our life.

Buying this new van, though, has added us to the “that family” category once again. We are that family with the bus. Hahaha! Oy. The bus.

I took Dekker to school in our bus this morning. Our minivan is still plated and insured (anyone wanna buuuuuy it??) but while I’m intimidated by the bus, I actually really like it and have enjoyed the small amount of driving I’ve done in it. I did giggle a little bit about taking one kid to school in a twelve passenger vehicle, but thats just our car now! As I was saying, I took him to school in our bus, got him dropped off, and visited with Kim outside our vehicles for a couple of minutes. I noticed a lot of stares as people drove by. It was funny to watch the reactions, but they didn’t make me feel as awkward as I thought they would. So I’m that mom! And I’m ok with that! Our bus will probably seem like a novelty for a while and then it’ll just be old hat.

I did want to say a big thank you to everyone who liked and commented on yesterdays post. These kinds of purchases open up the door to talk about our family and how we’d like it to grow, and while that can be such a taboo subject, I didn’t feel a lick of judgement yesterday! Not one! Thank you, everyone, for being so supportive in our dreams to build a big family and be “that family,” whatever that might mean to anyone at any given time. I feel the love and support you’re all sending our way, and I really really appreciate it. Please continue the good feelings, and forgive us for the inevitable hole in the ozone forming above our house, thanks to our bus. #judgementfreezone More like #judgementfreeozone ???