That’s a First!

So this happened today!!!


A while ago, a family member gave Dekker a treat bag from one of his cousins birthday parties. It was pirate themed. He loved the gift, and the pirate coins and telescope have been well loved. But the first time we tried to put that patch on him, he freaked. He had every right to panic, I probably would have too in his position, so we all laughed it off and the patch got lost in the mix of toys. Laela chews it sometimes. But today, he found it and was sooo excited to wear it! He asked me to help him put it on a few times, but he would throw it on and run to show Brady, or show Laela, or whoever would look. He was sooo proud! And of I could was proud as well. Its been a long time coming. The other day, he told me he remembered patches. I asked him what he remembered about them, and he kind of shrugged and said “Patches…its ok!” I’m sooo glad!

Another great story about today has to do with supper. As I’ve mentioned in the past, Dekker has boycotted supper for a while now. He’s gotten better over the last month or two, but usually its still a tearful experience to get those first couple of bites into him. Then, he often realizes its yummy and moves on. Yesterday, I made honey chicken on rice for the first time in a while, and of course, he made a big show and cried when I told him he had to eat some. But after one bite, he sat quietly and finished his whole bowl! So today, when he didn’t want to eat at supper time, I told him (in his words) what we were having. “Rice and honey!” I told him. “Just like yesterday.” He was at his spot, eating out of his bowl before we even had a chance to all sit down and pray. It just made me really happy to find another meal that he really likes a lot. No convincing, no eye rolling, no wide open mouth full of rice staring at me while he cries and cries. He just ate happily.

Its a bit blurry, but he was just eating at warp speed!!!

So it was basically just a really great day for Dekker 🙂 And the rest of us. Brady left work a little bit early, the kids napped great, and now we’re all wiped out and sooo ready for some Netflix, a soak, and a deep sleep!