The Best Kind of Productive

I posted yesterday about my productive Thursday and how Friday promised to be the same way. I can honestly say, I solidly enjoyed being productive yesterday πŸ™‚

I fed Dekker his breakfast in the kitchen instead of the dining room, and in between bites and during finger foods, I started on the massive task of dishes. I put it one huge load of dishes and then handwashed just a few things that are awkward to wash in the machine, just enough to have some hot soapy water to wipe everything up. Even though less than half of the dishes were done, it was a HUGE improvement! I tidied up the bathroom a little (since Dekker goes in there and just plays with his bath toys all over the floor sometimes) and then took Dekker downstairs for some playtime. I finished crocheting a gift in the meantime. When he went down for a nap, I whipped together my famous honey chicken. I love how little time it takes πŸ™‚ When that was done, I went downstairs to watch some Dr. Phil. I still wanted to be productive, but not bad enough to wash all the rest of the dishes by hand. So I wrapped presents. Not all of them by any means, but a few for friends, and my gifts for Brady. I LOVE wrapping gifts! We got some really nice new wrapping paper and it has a light graph pattern on the underside which makes cutting it straight so much easier! I wrapped until I heard the dishwasher quit. While I was unloading it, I got a Facebook message from our friend who was coming for supper. He admitted to being super bored at home and asked if he could come early. Of course!! I haven’t seen him in a few years and was really excited! However, I landed in a bit of a panic when I looked around my house in its current state. I cleaned off the dining room table and had just about finished loading the dishwasher for the second time around by the time he came.Β He fit in so comfortably in our home. No judging on the general mess of toys all over the floor, or unfinished dishes. Nice guy.

When Brady got home from work, we got Dekker up and sat down for supper. Honey chicken and salad. Pretty basic, but yummy in my opinion. Our guest even brought wine for dinner! I had a serious laugh when he gave it to us! It was called “Cat’s Pee on a Gooseberry Bush” and it was completely delicious! Pretty much hilarious πŸ™‚

After dinner, we grabbed dessert and coffee and chatted in the living room into the night. After what felt like an hour, maybe two, we checked the time. 3am?!?! I could not believe it! It felt like…maybe 10pm? 11pm?! So crazy! Just confirmed that yes, it had been way too long!

I slept like a log. I don’t remember the last time I stayed up good and solidly late, unless I was having a sleepless night. Makes me feel old to think about it, haha! But I sooo enjoyed it!

Missed you, friend.