The Best Way to Prep for Camp

We have officially coined the best way to prepare to go away for the weekend! It has been such an enjoyable morning, while being super productive. I’ve loved it!

Cher has been here, helping out in a huge way! While Brady’s gathered up tool and started loading the van, Cher and I packed all the kids, found blankets, stuffies, outerwear, books, and everything under the sun. She also chopped all the veggies, cheese, and meat that are standard lunch options at the lake. Then we carried everything out to the garage and Brady got everything loaded up! All three of us worked HARD this morning!

Its important to note how cooperative Wavy and Solly were, reading books in the living room pretty consistently while the adults buzzed around them.

Since we pushed as hard as we did this morning, we will be able to have lunch, nap the nappers, and then I believe the three of us are going to spend some time playing games! Tile rummy, I believe, is on the menu! I’m really looking forward to the relaxation and fun following all the work this morning.

I can’t wait to go get the kids from school and whisk them off to the lake!