The Boys are Aging

So. The kids keep aging, though I’ve specifically asked them not to. Whats fun about it, however, is that I can rough them up a little bit more, and wrestle them, and they can hack it. They know that sitting in my chair means I’m going to sit on them, and they do it absolutely all the time. On purpose. Because its funny.

Solly was more than fine in this position, which is bananas because he’s only six. But he was giggling and happy, and kept writing on his boogie board, seemingly unphased, lol!

Dekker can give me piggyback rides now, which are short and tippy but mostly because we are both laughing like idiots. Yesterday I tried to fight him for a horsey ride. He wasn’t into it. I might’ve killed the horse.

I love that my kids are big enough to wrestle and goof off with. The girls are too, for sure, I just don’t have pictures of that currently. It definitely happens, though.

I suppose there are benefits to kids aging after all. I have always loved them, and I continue to. With that, I am really enjoying the people they’re becoming! Thank you, Lord, for these beautiful kids!