The Dishwasher Debacle

Trust me, guys, I have WAY more important things to talk to you about, but today, we talk about the mundane in order to try and let my brain have a rest. Though, not the most restful rest, because of the story I have to tell you…

Yesterday, dishes were being done, and the dishwasher was open while the kids were wrapping up their breakfast. A certain child took it upon themselves to leave the table and walk to the kitchen backwards, their arms full of dishes. 🙄 So as you would expect, said child naturally tripped over the open dishwasher and fell right onto it, bending the door down to the floor, breaking the brackets completely. No dishes broke. No kid broke. But the dishwasher door looked BAD. Maybe this happens to people more often. I know I’ve seen lots of pictures of kids playfully climbing into dishwashers. We just don’t let those things happen, and we REALLY want our appliances to last!

But 🤷‍♀️ accidents happen.

We looked at the door, and its bent pretty badly. We had to slide our bathroom stool under it to load it. Which is fine. Annoying, but fine. Brady started researching the brackets, and we could replace them for I think about $60. So thats an option. But its kind of hard to tell, we might have to buy two packs. At that point, we also have to consider that our dishwasher is a total piece of junk, and we fully expected to have to replace it within five-ish years of moving into this house. So is it worth trying to repair it if it really just needs replacing?

All of that being said, we do not have the extra money to even think about buying a new dishwasher.

And Brady is in no place to try and install it.

So thankfully, we tested it out, and there is no leak when its running. I guess we wait, and just be thankful we can still use it! Nothing needs to be perfect to be in our house. I’m thankful it runs, without damaging our floor.

This morning, I did some dishes, and left the dishwasher open so the kids would remember to put their breakfast dishes away rather than on the counter. I made a casual mention “Can I trust everyone to walk forwards, with their eyes open this morning?” Aforementioned child gave a small smirk, and knowingly responded with a “yes, mom.” THAT felt like a parent win! No love lost. No fear. No residual anger. Just, a lesson learned, and moving along!