The First Good Storm of 2020


I’m sure I don’t have to tell you guys about the storm last night. I LOVE storms. This isn’t news, I know. I’ve been excitedly anticipating our first good solid crashing storm. And last night was that storm!

Yesterday afternoon and evening already, we had our heat up and kitchen window open so we could enjoy the sounds and smells of the rain. The wind was whipping, and there was occasionally a quiet rumble of thunder. Out the window, I kept questioning whether or not I was seeing flashed of lightening, but it was hard to say. It was kind of an unsure beginning to an excellent storm!

Cher was over for the evening, and the three of us were watching tv as the storm picked up. Once we finished our episode, we decided to go upstairs and watch the storm for a bit. Cher also enjoys a good storm, so she fits right in 😆 We pulled a chair and love seat up against the living room window and snuggled in for the lightening show. I complained about the street light just across the street from us, wishing it could somehow be turned off. 😳 *ironic foreshadowing* 

At one point, we were watching the lightening behind the houses across the street, and we saw a BIG fork of lightening blast behind it. It lit the whole house up! The lightening stopped, but house remained backlit for a few seconds longer. The light changed colours. It was pink, even! It was reminiscent of the majestic northern lights you only see in pictures! Cher and I both were flabbergasted, and couldn’t figure out what was happening. Aaaaand then the power cut out. It got super dark out. And then lightening. And then dark. And then lightening. 

It was unbelievable. SO bright. Constant lightening. And the thunder was LOUD. 

And then it was too loud. If you were up last night when we were, you know the crash I mean. There was a big, shocking crash of thunder that made us all jump. Moments later, Dekker wandered up the stairs, bleary eyed and nervous. He figured something big had fallen outside and he was unsure about it. He was shivering. Brady pulled him up onto his lap and invited him to join us for a little bit. This never ever happens, because storms are usually pretty late, and our kids tend to sleep through them, so this was special. It was also kind of important, because it was clear Dekker was scared. Cher ducked downstairs for some cozy blankets and we all tucked in for a storm watch with Dekker. He moved onto my lap and eventually warmed up and stopped shaking. 

We kept Dekker up for maybe twenty minutes or so, and then took him back to bed. He wasn’t afraid anymore. The three of us continued to storm watch, watching flashlights out in the field where the lightening appeared to hit, and speculating how long it would be before power came back on. We watched until we were all really nice and tired, and the parted ways for the night. It was SO nice to watch and enjoy the storm! 

The wind continues to blow today, but the sun is trying to shine! Plans are still in the works for this weekends yard projects, and we hope the weather cooperates! Even if it doesn’t, the storm was totally worth it.