The Fun Never Stops!

The “fun” is also never particularly well timed.

Dekker endured a pretty wild barfing episode the other day. I don’t want to be too gross, but it was unlike anything I’ve ever cleaned up. It. Was. Everywhere. He began at the couch, and bolted to the bathroom, throwing up on the living room carpet, on the bathroom floor, and then on/in the toilet. Barf was everywhere. Once he was done, though, he was back to 100%. It was weird. I have to say on his behalf, though, that he was AWESOME while he was getting sick!! Standing over the toilet, “I think (heave) I think (heave) I’m a bit (heave) sick.” Once he had finally stopped, I just stood and stared, completely unsure of where to even start. So I stripped him down and plunked him in the empty bathtub. I gave him a towel to wrap around himself in case he got cold, and I threw a bunch more old towels at the floor to soak up the majority of the mess. While I cleaned, Dekker played and chatted and closed the shower doors and peeked out of them and just joked around. It was a HUGE relief that he was feeling so much better so quickly! After probably a solid hour of wiping, spraying, cleaning, scrubbing (my poor living room rug!) and throwing in a load of laundry, all was behind us.

Now, this morning, I went to get Laela and she right away told me she had barfed on his bed. Sure enough, every item on her bed was wet, herself included. Sheets, pillowcase, blanket cover, four stuffies, and two cuddle blankets. My. Gosh. But she was chipper and happy! I changed her jammies and brought her into the boys room to change diapers and start the day. As I was changing Rowan, Laela commented that I’d need to find her a bin to barf into. I agreed that we’d find her one. A few seconds later, she said “Mommy, you might need to find a bin really fast!” I grabbed the garbage can from beside Dekker’s bed and juuust  got it under her chin in time. Just like her brother, she goes “I’m not (heave) feeling (heave) very well (heave) today.” I sat beside her and rubbed her back while she threw up. Now, again, I don’t want to be gross, but Dekker’s barf had been legit barf. When you picture barf, that was his. Laela barfed foam. It was really strange. Just bubbles. Froth. I don’t know. Once she slowed down, I tied her hair back in a ponytail to keep it out of her face, and she thanked me, saying I was really helpful 🙂 Three bouts of barfing later, she’s assuring me she feels “supa healfy.” So I guess we’ll go with that…

Sick days like this always make me feel like I can’t do ANYTHING else. And I think thats ok. I want to be as available as possible. So all I’ve accomplished today is the laundry that obviously needs doing, so Laela can sleep in a fresh bed tonight. But there is SO MUCH MORE to do, and I desired very much to be productive today. However, plans change. With the work starting on our basement tomorrow, I’m SO thankful that friends have offered to come work with us, and I’m confident they won’t judge if things aren’t 100% ready or tidy. SO that’s a relief.

Now we just keep praying that this doesn’t spread to anyone else!!!