The Garage is Heated

A while back, I wrote about our garage, and how much a heater would simplify things. It would negate the need to warm up Brady’s vehicle every morning, while also keeping our bedroom warmer. Brady did a lot of research and tried to set up how we could get a natural gas heater plumbed in, but it just wasn’t going to happen without spending hundreds of dollars on install. Many people suggested a couple of electric heaters, but our garage was only wired up with smaller outlets.

We landed on secret option #3, which was re-wiring an outlet in the garage to run a stronger electric heater. Will it cost more to run an electric heater than gas? Yes. Will it cost more than the space heater we had pumping out there 24/7? Nope. So it was our next best option after letting go of the natural gas heater plan.

Brady got in touch with an electrician friend of ours, to confirm he had thought of every part that he would need to do the wiring, and our friend lovingly offered to come help. Brady didn’t fish for it whatsoever, he just offered 💜 Which was really nice.

Saturday morning, the two guys, along with the three younger kids, worked in the garage, to the furnace room, and back to the garage, getting things redone in a way that made it possible to run something stronger. Brady had purchased a nice beefy garage heater from Zak’s, and they installed it up on the roof in a corner of our garage, and put the thermostat within reach. Only a couple of hours into it, and we have a nicely warmed garage.

Brady is so happy to have his vehicle warm and ready to go every morning.

I am so happy to sleep without a heating pad.

The kids are happy with their winter gear living in the garage now, and being able to get dressed in a bigger space. I am also very happy with that setup!

The garage being heated is something we’ve wanted for a nice long time, and this winter, it was time to find a solution. We are SO grateful for helpful friends, as well as Brady’s job at Zak’s and the convenience it offers.

Yet another project down!