The Giant Prep Day

We are gearing up for our holidays this coming week! That means a first weekend with all of us. A week with three of us at camp. And a second weekend with us plus guests. Aaaaahhh! Its SO doable, but a lot of thinking when it comes to amounts of food!

Another moving part of the week is the fact that I’m coming back home for a couple of days in the middle. So those days, Brady will have a couple of kids at camp on his own, and I’ll be home with the smallest morsel. Again, doable. Just lots of thinking and organizing in advance.

Oh! AND a birthday celebration on the second weekend. So, special food for that.

*pulls hair from head*

Thank goodness today is the day we get it ALL done! We have to drive both vehicles in, which is not ideal, but such is life. We need to fit about ten days worth of groceries, plus eight people, and a wheelchair along with us. So. If we don’t have a bus, we have to bring two vehicles!

This evening after Brady’s done work, we will hit a handful of stores, including a few on 8th St that we never hit anymore. But since I’m able to sneak in a leg wax this evening, we’ll be over in that end of the city. Win win! HOPEFULLY going to Superstore will mean we can dodge Costco this time around. But beyond that, we need only two things at Wholesale Club, and another couple of things at Coop. Plus a few more places.

Aaaaand this morning, I’m going in for an appointment, and one quick stop for a last minute gift for a birthday party Laela was invited to!

As Andy Samberg says, “Never stop never stopping!”