The Grassy Plan

Pre-covid, our plan for projects this year was the fence and the grass. We wanted to get our yard in good shape so our kids could go out a bit easier without being worried about vehicles ripping down the back alley or animals running loose. We got to some of those things, but then covid hit and priorities changed a lot! Opportunities changed, I guess is more accurate. As you know, we did the fence, and the dirt, and closed in under the deck to make a shed. And then before we got to the grass, we bought our RV and there went the summer! Haha! I say that in the BEST way, but its incredibly accurate! Our summer was SLAMMED, but it was fine in terms of the yard, because apparently its best to do grass in either Spring or Fall anyway. 

As the quarantine, and by default, the unemployment, continued, we  opted to seed grass ourselves, rather than our original plan of hydroseeding. It helped that Costco had everything we needed for a nice cheap price. That way we could still consider doing grass even after all the projects we’d worked on while Brady wasn’t able to be working. It was going to happen!!! 

We seeded the front yard and saw really lovely, green, even results within the week! Success! It was time to rock the backyard! 

Now, I’ve said some little things here and there, and I’ll update you with real information soon, but Brady is not in tip top shape for projects right now. The idea of tilling our dirt was absolutely out of the question. Carrying everything from our yard elsewhere and then tilling the super hard soil and clay was just going to be way too much. As Brady’s pain worsened, it was clear that we needed to accept the fact that we just wouldn’t get there this season. And that was going to be ok. Maybe next Spring. We accomplished SO MUCH this year, if we didn’t see the backyard with grass, so be it. 

Except that kind of eats a person when that was the biggest thing we wanted to accomplish this season, and possibly the easiest…

But we made peace with it. Passive aggressive peace, but peace nonetheless. 

Then how did I wind up here, inside, blogging, while one of our friends and neighbours is tilling our backyard? If I’ve said it once, I’ve said it a thousand times. We have the BEST people in our corner. I don’t know what we did to deserve such a beautiful group of people in our lives, but my goodness, it is a gigantic blessing to our family!! 

Brady and I got out there and tried to move some things around the yard as best as we could. I had a CRAZY moment where I was trying to drag the trampoline on my own, and Dekker and Laela showed up and each lifted, and the three of us carried it into the garden plot. Yes. Dekker and Laela helped me carry a trampoline. They’re 9 and 7. Just saying. It was bananas. Landry came and helped me get the picnic table moved as well, and Brady picked rocks and lightly worked at shovelling the topsoil we had piled in the corner of the yard. Landry is tilling, and the actual seeding will be easy. Brady has been cleared for “light work,” thank the Lord, so he can feel accomplished, too! 

What a gift we’ve been given. Covid has its ups and downs, but I am ever grateful for the people we’ve gotten closer to over the months of quarantine and who has stuck it out with us. Thank you, Lord, for the friends and neighbours and family we have, and their willingness to put into our lives.