The House Debacle

We’ve been keeping things under wraps for a while, but its time to tell you guys where our heads and hearts have been for the last while. Our dream feels next to impossible, and it will only come to fruition if God wants it to. Its time for us to ask our people to put their heads together with us to brainstorm, pray, and also dream!

As I mentioned a while ago, we have begun talking seriously about moving. Having just about everything on one floor would make life SO much easier, and give him the independence that he is being held back from. We are not looking for our old normal back, but Brady is capable of so much, and he wants to do things, and right now the only thing standing between us and the normalcy we are seeking is this beautiful house and all the bloody stairs.

We did our research and found a beautiful, affordable lot. We researched floor plans and planned out the perfect accessible house that we could actually afford. We met with a realtor a handful of times, talked prices, and took those numbers to our mortgage broker. It was all looking so good. We have two years of tax returns that look great, and once Brady was done contracting the house (which is WELL within his grasp) he would find a job, and we could get on with our lives SO much more comfortably! We could even have this all done before summer, so we wouldn’t have to miss any lake time.

It all sounds great, hey?

Except the mortgage application process has changed, and because Brady’s work was owned outright by himself, they want proof of his last three months of income. And obviously, we don’t have that. Our mortgage broker is very well known and established, and she has made a case for us for weeks, but alas, we are too high risk for lenders. We cannot show any income from the last three months, so because of that, for anyone to even look at us, they need Brady or I to have PROOF of a FULL TIME permanent job, minimum 39 hours per week, making over 45K per year. Without this, we are out of luck.

As if thats not enough, here’s the kicker. If Brady were to be the one who went out to get a job, he could very easily lose his disability payments. Because he would be capable. Yet he will always have a disability. So in that case, if he went back to work and lost his disability payments, he’d need to make not only 45K, but closer to 80K. Which is a bigger ask.

Also, if either of us go back to work, contracting a home build would be next to impossible, being that we have children who stay home still, and the “home” parent would have to be on site much of the time.

So to recap, hypothetically. Brady goes back to work. Has to make twice as much money. And then has to pay more for his house because he can’t contract it. In which case we’d have to make yet MORE money.


We have calls in all over the place to see what actually happens when a person on disability goes back to work. If its true that he will lose his payments, the only way for us to move is for me to suddenly get full time work, which is possible but also a HUGE change in our life. I would need mad flexibility. And while Brady is an incredible dad and is actually quite happy being home more, he aches to be out, working, being productive, making money, supporting his family in that way. He can’t just jump back into being a contractor again, though, for obvious reasons.

If I go back to work, we will both be far less happy. There has to be another way.

Don’t get me wrong. I understand why we’re a risky choice for a lender. Who wants a new mortgage when they have basically no income? And who is stupid enough to give it to them?? I do see it. But we also didn’t choose this. Navigating this is completely new territory, and its not feeling hopeful at all.

Its not about how much money we have. Its not about affording to buy the house.
Its about income. Its about paying for the mortgage here on out.

I’m not asking for handouts. Please hear me. I am asking for brainstorming. I am asking for prayer. For wisdom. For help. What have we missed? What would you do? Surely we’re not the only people who have been in this boat before.

There you have it. All the secrets. All the worry. Its all out there now. Please pray with us.

Ted Eichorst

I have been on Cppd and Ltd. Cppd will let you try to go back to work but if it does t work you can go back on it. Ltd if you go back to work you will lose it so you can’t even try. My wife has had to be the main source of income all this time. It not ideal Iam like Bradey I was designed to be the bread winner in the house but I can’t. You guys Atleast have a home be thankful for that and work on making it functional to meet all your needs.
God has a plan let Him do his work. It could be to be able to show others on your situation that your trust is in God and that you can work through it.