The Last One

Tomorrow is the day that I’ll tell you all about Brady’s fifth week of treatment, but today we celebrate the fact that he is DONE radiation!!!!! ๐Ÿฅณโ˜ข๏ธIt doesn’t mean all the hard things are over, but one leg of the journey can be behind us anyway. Symptoms are expected to follow Brady for another couple of weeks, but I believe simply going to the cancer centre every day puts a weight on us, and that being off the schedule will improve the quality of life!

I went in with him today. I went in the first day, and I came along for the last day. I was actually invited into the back radiation room while they set Brady up, so I had the opportunity to see the machine first hand, see him all the way up in the air on the exam bed. I left when the lasers came out and started tracking their way along Brady’s body. I was so grateful to be welcomed back to see the setup.

On the way out, Brady rang the bell on the wall, which signified ringing cancers bell! ๐Ÿฅบ๐Ÿ””

There was cheering and clapping from all around. It wasn’t some big ceremony, but I felt pretty emotional. The bell is a really nice touch. I loved it.

Out we went. The security guard who Brady’s has a really nice rapport with left his post to come intentionally say goodbye and wish Brady well. It was celebratory and warm.

We picked up ice cream and went home to this ๐Ÿ’œ

There is so much love in this place. I am SO grateful that Brady is home. I am SO grateful for all of the love and support we’ve received along the way, and continue to receive. I am SO grateful Brady has made it this far, and I am SO looking forward to the success story at the end of all of this mess.

Thank you, Lord, for your covering and protection. Watch over us. We trust You.

Linda & Nic Wiens

We wish a special blessing on each member of your family. We know God hears our prayers and gives us strength, maybe only one day at a time. Keep the faith and as Ryan would say, โ€˜keep looking upโ€™!
You have been in our prayers and will continue to be there


Thank you for your warm understanding of struggle and grief. Absolutely God gives us what we need the day we need it. If we had it all immediately, we wouldn’t need Him to get through our days <3 Thank you for praying for us!


So very Thankful to the Lord for bringing you through the radiation journey, Brady and Hailey! Now for rest, rejuvenation, and healing! Our prayers are continually for you guys and all your family! Love you all so much! God is in control and he sees you! ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’—๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ™