The Last Things at the Last House

The final days of owning two houses are upon us. Its almost done. Again, while we have LOVED the house we built those years ago, we are wholly committed to our new home, and are ready to let the old place go to its new owners 💜 We REALLY hope they are truly happy there!

In these next few days, we need to tie up the loose ends. This evening, we went over there and started bringing the last load of things home. At least that was the plan. We got rid of a bunch of garbage (tomorrow is garbage day, guys!) and loaded what we could into the bus. Unfortunately, we couldn’t do it all. But tomorrow is another day. And this weekend is more days. But there are only a few left.

In the coming days, we need to get the end of the freezer stuff brought over, and get out the last few items of furniture, all of which are spoken for and just need picking up. We have to get some baby gates taken off the wall, as well as the bracket that held the tv. There are also unfortunately a handful of bigger things that need to be brought over from the backyard :/ Thats going to be harder to swing, but hopefully we can make it happen. Thankfully, the cleaning has been poured over by Cher, as well as my two big kids, and is NOT something that I have to worry about! Thank you so very much 💜

So. The race is on. The end is near. And I am ready!

Now. If you’ll excuse me. Its almost 10pm, and I still have some desserty leftovers from yesterday to eat. So. ✌️